Friday, April 27, 2007

Music Discoveries

We got our annual water polo CD recently.
This CD is compiled of many songs, every track a certain person's song.
I've decided to point out some of my favorites...and ones that I'm rather disgusted with.

1) It's raining men (So random, so perfect!)
2) We Go Together (From Grease...)
3) Don't Stop Me Now (Queen...I think I've found a new favorite band from England. Don't worry Doyle and Stapleys! Beatles will ALWAYS rank number one on my list.)
4) Hey Bulldog (Beatles, my I kind of felt like it was cheating to put it on here, but all well...)
5) I've got nerve? (Hannah Montana...apparently it's a hit tv show with everyone who has cable....)

"Meh" songs:
1) This is Why I'm Hot (Who is conceited enough to sing about why they're hot? AND it's rap...)
2) Girlfriend (I hate profanity. Leave me alone, please.)


Lauren said...

Queen is awesome! If you are interested, we have a "Queen's Greatest Hits" CD. Too bad your Girl's team theme song can't be "As Sisters In Zion."

Joslynn said...

This is why I'm hot (hot) this is why I'm hot (hot) this is why, this is why, this is why I'm hot (hot). I'm hot cause I'm fly (fly)
You ain't cause you're not...

Shirsti and I were listening to this song in the car yesterday and laughing at it. Despite the hilarity of the lyrics, I couldn't help but think, "Oh man! What happened to music?"
On a happier note: I love Hey Bulldog. And yes, it does remind me of you and of Doyle. Perhaps that is why I adore it...