Thursday, March 22, 2007

Recurring Dreams

The Swimming Dream
I get this dream usually at random, or before a big swim meet. It's just like a dream where you're trying to run, but you can't. Only it's swimming. And you can't seem to make it off the block, or get closer to the never-getting-nearer-wall...

The Lifeguard Dream
I get this one at random, but it always starts up the same...I'm lifeguarding at the Dive Tank (18 foot depth) and many people are flailing about or drowning. I jump in and save them all...but after the last person I don't have the energy to save myself, and I drown. After that, the dream takes on many different versions. Some versions I die, others, I turn into some kind of fish and escape into the ocean (from Utah?!?!) Don't ask. Dreams are simply weird.

The Jurassic Park Nightmare
This one is the worst one of them all. It's very hard to explain, but I first got this nightmare when after I watched the show when I was fairly young. Pretty much my world is in chaos as baby t-rexes and full-grown raptors attack everyone...The storyline is vague...maybe I'll watch that movie again this weekend and tell you the storyline. I get this one two-three times a year, I think.

The Driving Dream (nightmare?)
My dad also has had a similar dream as this one. Maybe it's a common theme. But you're pretty much in a huge car (sometimes a bus) filled with people. You're the driver. You have to take them somewhere. But here's the catch. You're steering from the very back. In stormy weather. Down a winding road in the mountains. You can't see a thing.

So, ta. Those are my top four recurring dreams. (There are others, but I'm too lazy to write them down, and you're too bored to read them.)


Letty said...

So, I have had the "bus" dream too...except I'm driving at the front of the bus on a muddy winding road and suddenly there is a huge gap(drop off) and I have to get the bus to Jump (fly) over the gap to the other side. Then I don't make it and we land in a river...but I rescue everyone. Go figure???

Joslynn said...

The first time you told me about your Jurassic Park nightmare, I felt rather frightened myself. Has it occured recently?
I want to to know about all the other dreams! Mine are simply boring, and they simply don't recurr. Tell more!

Lauren said...

Have you ever had the "King Kong" dream, or the "Godzilla?" In these dreams you frantically run around the block, and then try to hide in your cupboards at home, while a giant king kong or godzill attempts to attack you.

Melissa said...

I have a recurring nightmare where all of my teeth fall out. It's terrifyingly vivid.

Once, I even thought to my dreaming self, "This is just like that dream I have where all of my teeth fall out."