Sunday, February 04, 2007


For the first time in 4 months, I will have shiny hairless legs next Sunday.
Yes. State is coming up rather quickly.
Yes, I am finally ready.

Enough about state.

More about the comforts that come after state:

1. No more itchy hairy legs
2. Drink soda without guilt.
3. Eat candy without guilt.
4. Sleep in for the first time since after last year's state...(actually I won't get to enjoy this one because I'll be training for another meet in March...)
4. (Scratch the last number four) No more interviews!!! 'Nough said.
5. No more speculating on how I'll do. It'll be done and done.
6. No more rapid heart beating attacks when you mention that one-syllable word. "State" (da-DUMP! da-DUMP! da-DUMP!...actually, that sounds more like the Jaws theme song...)
7. No more being cautious about every action I make, worrying it'll strain or pull a muscle! YAY! Cartwheels galore!
8. Like #2 and #3...gorging...though it's probably not good for me...


I both want state to come, but then I don't want it to come.
Mixed emotions galore.


Tanner's Tales said...

Maybe I should have shiny smooth legs for the first time in months also...even though I don't have S-T-A-T-E

Anonymous said...

A . N.--as you go through life, there will be many "States"--occasions you greatly anticipate and dread at the same time. I think one of the secrets is to enjoy the ride, doing your best, keeping things in a larger perspecttive. You will do great!

Lauren said...

Just have fun with it. You will do amazing! I am coming to watch on Saturday, and I can't wait!

Joslynn said...

I'm a comin' to watch my Nedgie swim-- and even though you won't be able to see us, your friends will be cheering for you on the sides. No matter what happens, you've got a loyal fan base right here.
Does this mean we can play the bum chop game after Footloose?

Letty said...

Good Luck Nat. I hope you have a great time.

Anonymous said...

Good Luck Natalie.
Let us know how you do. I'm sure it will be amazing.

Anonymous said...

Micah is going to miss the weekly meets--and once a week a full night's sleep due to the fun. Nat, how many people get to be where you are in life--in every dimension? (mental, social, physical, spiritual?) Smile a bit--and a lot more after state!