Monday, January 01, 2007

New Year's Resolutions...

I have decided to follow the crowd in making some New Year's Resolutions... (why we people do this, succumbing ourselves to do something new religiously for two weeks before forgetting about it...I don't know.)

I guess I'll come up with a couple or so, to fulfill my debt to this society...

Resolution #1: (Dang! Now that I've been writing "resolution" a few times, now I have a song from 1776 stuck in my head...'resolution of a lee, there a lee, everywhere a lee a-lee!') Now I don't remember what I was going to write...

Resolution #2: Don't get distracted by musicals getting stuck in my head...FOCUS.

Resolution #3: Quit reading fantasy books. They're all the same! (Except for Harry Potter, I'll give you that.)

Resolution #4: Be up to more mischief.

That's all. Someone requested that I make a new post, and pretty much against my will I did. Only...I don't have anything interesting to write about.


Anonymous said...

resoutions ought to be made in the spring. Who wants to excercise in the dark and cold anyway? And no one (cept the hubby) can tell if I've gained a few pounds because we all wear sweaters and coats all the time anyway!

Lauren said...

How could you possibley do MORE mischeif?!?! Haven't you done enough all ready?

Joslynn said...

You can never have enough mischief! That will be my new year's resolution too, Nat: I will make the most of this devilish noggin I have been cursed with. Ba ha!
And thank you for writing this post. Thank you for writing every post. Thank you for writing at all.

Brittany said...

Mischief is good, but sometimes you can go to far. I'm just beginning to discover this, unfortunately. They say some people never learn, but I think I'm starting to. Must be old age.

You've got to love January, when everyone makes vows to be better, and all the fitness equipment and rubbermaid organizers go on sale. Besides the smog, it's a nice time of year.

Brittany said...

Argh, add an o on the to up there. I knew I'd forgotten something.

Joslynn said...

Gotta love homophones.