Tuesday, January 09, 2007


Today must be my accident-prone day. On the way home from school, I saw an accident on the Highway. Then I proceeded to drive home, a cop was following me intently. Since I didn't know the current place my wallet was hiding, I was slightly anxious. I scanned to make sure I was going the speed limit, my seat belt was on...everything looked okay...what could he be surveying me for??? Then he turned on his flashing thingies. And zoomed off after a red car, whose driver allowed a baby to be in the front passenger seat.
Later, on the way back to the pool, I saw an accident on the Highway again. I noticed both accidents involved a car facing the wrong direction. How can that happen? They spin? They turn onto the wrong side of the highway? They're British? What?
And I noticed many, many, many speed traps today. Thank goodness I have some sense when it comes to the speed limit, although I must admit, that's one of the hardest peer pressures for me. Especially when everyone is going 60-65 MPH in a 55 MPH zone, and there's an ornery humongous gas-guzzling SUV or something tailgating you and flashing their brights and talking on their cell phone while eating a hamburger or smoking. You start to wonder if that ginormous car will just run over you. So you push the pedal down just to increase the gap between you, because you can't really change lanes because everyone's passing you on the right side...
I knew something was up, and something was going to happen to me. It did.
For some reason, after years of training, my training didn't help me today. I just wasn't gripping the slippery deck!
Accident #1: As I was rounding a corner in the locker room, I slipped, and I shot out my arms to get my balance, which I kept, but not without wacking my hand full force into a corner wall. It is swollen.
Accident #2: The swim team was playing water polo today. Oh joy. The ball rolled onto the deck, and I walked to it, lifted up my foot to kick it, and the next thing I know, I fall almost square on my tailbone. I hurried to stand up, got the ball, rolled it to the goalie...and I sat down. As I sat down, I was slightly worried. After my fall my vision got dimmer and darker and darker...by the time I sat down...I couldn't see anything but many blood-red spots. But after a couple of minutes, I was fine.

Now the bad, terrible news about all this. I'm experiencing much pain, but I don't have any bruises to show for it! That is the worst curse of all.


Melissa said...

Wow, you are a template changing fiend! Nice work. You're an inspiration to us all.

Letty said...

Humm...no battle wounds to show for all that damage! Maybe they will surface tomarrow. In the mean time I pity you Utah drivers...truly they are even worse than Californians. May the Force be with you.

Lauren said...

No bruised?!? Dang, after a fall like that, it is such a let down to have no battle wounds to show. It's wo weird how sometimes you will find a bruise on your arm or leg, but have no memory of any accident. But then you fall hard, like you did, and have to bruise whatsovever! By the way, if it makes you feel any better, I also had an accident day yesterday. I woke up with so many weird little problems. I'm crazy! I hope your pain levels decrease. I'm sorry about your accident prone day.

Tanner's Tales said...

We must be related. I fall down and am clumsy all the time!!!

Joslynn said...

While your day was filled with accidents, mine was filled with violence. I was poked, pulled, kicked, prodded, punched, and dragged-- and I have the red marks on my arms to prove it.