Saturday, October 21, 2006

Sadie Hawkin's Dance...

The theme is "Superhero Sadies" and everyone I've talked to are going as Batman, Spiderman, Superman, etc. The usual superheroes. I've come up with something quite different for my shirt:

No. It isn't wonderwoman. That would probably go with Superman. No. It's something I made up at a lunch table in ninth grade, and now I get to let it be known: Wedgie Woman! That image above will appear on the front of my shirt, and on the back it will say:

Wedgie Woman
Enemy to sagging pants, butt cracks, and other obsceneties of that nature.
Defender of Modesty.
Full of Fury.
Fear her wrath.
Now that I know who I'm going to be...who is my friend going to be? Captain Underpants? I think not...and my brainstorming is failing to help me.


Joslynn said...

Why not Captain Underpants?
Oh... right.
Is your date a good sport?

Brittany said...

That's what I was going to say. Why not Captain Underpants?

Melissa said...

Master Melvin

or something.