Friday, October 20, 2006

I'm grateful for...blogging.

I actually am. I'm very happy that I have a habit of posting random things, because it has strengthened my brain storming muscles. It has made me keep my imagination alive. Et cetera. Now, Abby, what are you rambling about? Get to the point!
My point? I'm a master procrasinator. Not quite a Jedi Master of procrasination, but I'm getting there. I realized the half-hour lunch break that my rough draft was due rough draft that has the opening line, "I wear size eleven shoes." Thankfully, due to my practice of writing about stupid and random things, I was able to complete the rough draft and eat my lunch and watch an episode of Mythbusters (I eat in my coaches room with the swim team, and we watch movies, series, etc. during lunch on a huge screen, which is radical and fun.) I don't know what kind of grade I'm going to get on the essay...all I remember of the essay I wrote was...the first line: I wear size eleven shoes. And my last line: My feet have molded me.
All I remember was that I was rambling about my attempts to find something that would put my feet to good use: Basketball didn't work because I stomped on all the kids, soccer worked for a little while, but honestly? I couldn't run. I was like a baby moose among fast little tigers. I was bewildered, and I fell down a lot. Then...swimming. The sport I loved, and it loved me back.
Because I started swimming, I gained many valuable characteristics such as: hard work, dedication, self-motivation, passion, self-discipline, etc. I learned all of this because of my feet.
Therefore, because of my feet, I am who I am today. Even though my hobbit-like feet will never fit in a dainty shoe, they have given me valuable lessons. My feet have molded me.

So, yeah. It was probably more elegant and well-thought out. But that's the general idea of what I rambled about for my essay. Have a good day!

1 comment:

Joslynn said...

I would like to read that essay... if you can get your hands on it again.
I like the idea. And I loved this:
Then...swimming. The sport I loved, and it loved me back.
Like I said, you are a fantastic writer. I'm sure you did excellent work and that your teacher will be extremely proud.